Introduction to Quarto

Dr. Mine Dogucu

Examples for Markup Languages




HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

<a href = "">
  Mine Dogucu</a>


[Mine Dogucu](


You each have a repo with the name 02-intro-quarto-username. Please clone this repo and we will go through this repo together.


You can create your own

  • markdown file by clicking File > New File > Markdown File

  • own Quarto document by clicking File > New File > Quarto Document

Quarto document parts

(some) Chunk options

echo: false hides the code
message: false hides messages
warning: false hides warning
error: true renders despite errors and displays the error
eval: false code is not evaluated
cache: true will not run if it has been run before and
the output from previous run would be used

Slides and Schedule

The slides you are looking at right now and the workshop schedule are all prepared using Quarto.